Bringing Positive and Negative together to form one "Neutral" community, free of judgement and stigma, and working together to lower the HIV infection rate.

Just by keeping up with the latest information on HIV, you take the biggest step towards reducing risk and ending stigma. We can help.

Your words are like weapons. Know what you're talking about. Educate yourself and those around you about HIV and one at a time we can defeat stigma and lower the infection rate.

HIV is no longer a "death sentence." Due to advancements in treatment, it's now a chronic manageable condition. Get tested and if the results are positive, seek treatment so you can live a long healthy life. And always live HIV Neutral.

Dirty is for Laundry, Not Your HIV Status! Sometimes it's what you don't say that hurts others. Referring to a negative HIV status as "clean" implies that people who are positive are dirty. It's time to change the way you think about HIV. Become a part of the neutral revolution.

We all know HIV is complicated. The news and sciences of the virus are continually evolving, yet minds are not. People living with HIV today are not in the same situation as they were in 1984. It's time to update our knowledge on HIV. It's time to EVOLVE.

If you're still refusing to kiss someone merely because of their status you don't know HIV. Saliva alone does not contain a sufficient amount of the virus. So unless both individuals have bloody gums or open sores in their mouth there is no transmission risk from playing a little tonsil hockey. Now pucker up!

If you're still refusing to kiss someone merely because of their status you don't know HIV. Saliva alone does not contain a sufficient amount of the virus. So unless both individuals have bloody gums or open sores in their mouth there is no transmission risk from playing a little tonsil hockey. Now pucker up!

The time has come for us to start a revolution, and to change the way we think about HIV. It's not what it used to be. No matter your status, gender, race, or sexual orientation, we ALL need to start living HIV Neutral.

Clichés aside, the truth is noone wants to talk about HIV. It doesn't deserve our silence. Speak up. Ask Questions. There's always something happening in the world of HIV/AIDS. Educate yourself and you will have taken a big step towards prevention. This issue affects all of us, positive or negative. KNOW HIV = NO HIV.

North America has convicted more people for HIV exposure than any other country. Criminalization is motivated by stigma and fear, and has not been proven to lower HIV transmission. Instead it perpetuates that stigma and reinforces ignorance and misinformation among the public. It also discourages individuals from getting tested & treated. See how this is a problem? Share this with your peers, and together we can start to live HIV Neutral.

Times have changed, yet many minds have not. Enough of the stigma! It's time for us to update the way we see, think, and speak HIV. It's time to start living HIV Neutral! So stand up, be heard!

Times have changed, yet many minds have not. Enough of the stigma! It's time for us to update the way we see, think, and speak HIV. It's time to start living HIV Neutral! So stand up, be heard!